Based heavily on Gill especially in the mid weights, Astoria has a subtle top left serif which makes it not quite a Roman and not quite a Sans. Designed specificaly as a text face it still works very well as a headline font.
Astoria Cond Bold
Astoria Bold Italic
Astoria Bold
Astoria Cond ExtraBold
Astoria ExtraBold Italic
Astoria ExtraBold
Astoria Cond ExtraLight
Astoria ExtraLight
Astoria ExtraLight Italic
Astoria Cond Light
Astoria Light
Astoria Light Italic
Astoria Cond Medium
Astoria Medium
Astoria Medium Italic
Astoria Cond
Astoria Roman
Astoria Italic
Astoria by Alan Meeks is sold/licensed through See the license on the My Fonts website for more information.
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