Baskerville Original Pro
Until recently the story of this typeface ended with mediocre digital versions, which did not get at the root of its inspiration. Our pursuit of this paramount body typeface of the 20th century began in Nové Hrady Castle, the place where a part of...
Baskerville 120 Pro Bold
Baskerville 10 Pro Medium Italic
Baskerville 120 Pro
Baskerville 120 Pro Bold Italic
Baskerville 120 Pro Medium Italic
Baskerville 10 Pro Medium
Baskerville 120 Pro Medium
Baskerville 120 Pro Italic
Baskerville 10 Pro
Baskerville 10 Pro Italic
Baskerville 10 Pro Bold
Baskerville 10 Pro Bold Italic
Baskerville Original Pro by Storm is sold/licensed through See the license on the My Fonts website for more information.
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