DIN Mittel EF
The typeface DIN Mittel, offered by Elsner+Flake, is based on the DIN 1451 used in Germany since 1931. The DIN 1451 which was primarily seen in the areas of technology and traffic had to adhere to the so-called DIN Norms. Variations of the DIN 1451...
DIN Mittel Regular
DIN Mittel Italic
DIN Mittel Bold
DIN Mittel Bold Italic
DIN Mittel Medium
DIN Mittel Medium Italic
DIN Mittel CY Italic
DIN Mittel CY Bold
DIN Mittel CY Bold Italic
DIN Mittel CY Medium
DIN Mittel CY Medium Italic
DIN Mittel CY Regular
DIN Mittel EF by Veronika Elsner, Günther Flake is sold/licensed through myfonts.com. See the license on the My Fonts website for more information.
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