Le Monde Livre Std
A text face in 5 weights plus italics. Before the arrival of Phototypesetting, each font size had a specific design. Le Monde Livre, designed by Jean François Porchez, along with Le Monde Journal re-establishes this practice. While Le Monde Journal...
Le Monde Livre Std Bold Italic
Le Monde Livre Std Bold
Le Monde Livre Std Regular
Le Monde Livre Std Demi
Le Monde Livre Std Italic
Le Monde Livre Std Demi Italic
Le Monde Livre Std Book
Le Monde Livre Std Book Italic
Le Monde Livre Std ExtraDemi
Le Monde Livre Std ExtraDemi Italic
Le Monde Livre Std by Typofonderie is sold/licensed through myfonts.com. See the license on the My Fonts website for more information.
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