LF Spiegel
When approached to give informal advice on the redesign of the leading German weekly Der Spiegel, Luc(as) de Groot offered to design a completely new headline font. A newly developed typeface, he argued, would lend an unmistakable personality to the...
Spiegel Italic
Spiegel Cond Bold Italic
Spiegel Cond SemiBold
Spiegel SemiBold Italic
Spiegel Cond Regular
Spiegel Cond Bold
Spiegel Cond Italic
Spiegel Bold
Spiegel Cond SemiBold Italic
Spiegel Regular
Spiegel SemiBold
Spiegel Bold Italic
LF Spiegel by LucasFonts is sold/licensed through myfonts.com. See the license on the My Fonts website for more information.
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