Mrs Lollipop
Mrs Lollipop is a hand drawn narrow typeface designed for one of our books. You can layer different styles over the background style to achieve lots of colorful effects. Check out the manual for details. Mrs Lollipop has upper and lowercase...
Mrs Lollipop Regular
Mrs Lollipop Stroke
Mrs Lollipop Outline Dotted
Mrs Lollipop Outline 3D
Mrs Lollipop Shadow
Mrs Lollipop Fill
Mrs Lollipop Outline 3D Dotted
Mrs Lollipop Dotted
Mrs Lollipop Outline
Mrs Lollipop Outline Stroked Dotted
Mrs Lollipop Dots
Mrs Lollipop Background
Mrs Lollipop 3D Dotted
Mrs Lollipop 3D
Mrs Lollipop by Hipopotam Studio is sold/licensed through See the license on the My Fonts website for more information.
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