Tee Franklin
The British Vogue commissioned this typeface for their magazine re-design in 2001. After studying the originals of Morris Fuller Benton and the existing versions, this font was designed with all new thin weights. Just when the family was finished...
Tee Franklin Heavy Oblique
Tee Franklin Light
Tee Franklin Medium Oblique
Tee Franklin Bold
Tee Franklin Book
Tee Franklin Light Oblique
Tee Franklin Thin Oblique
Tee Franklin UltraLight Oblique
Tee Franklin UltraLight
Tee Franklin Heavy
Tee Franklin Thin
Tee Franklin Book Oblique
Tee Franklin Medium
Tee Franklin Bold Oblique
Tee Franklin by Suomi is sold/licensed through myfonts.com. See the license on the My Fonts website for more information.
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