Based on the hand lettering of West Coast architect Frank Ching, who wrote out the text for his books, Tekton Regular is an Adobe Originals typeface designed by David Siegel in 1989. Tekton Bold was designed by Adobe Type Staff’s Jim Wasco and added...
Tekton Pro Regular
Tekton Pro Ext Light Obl
Tekton Pro Ext Light
Tekton Pro Cond Bold Obl
Tekton Pro Cond Obl
Tekton Pro Ext Bold
Tekton Pro Ext Bold Obl
Tekton Pro Ext Obl
Tekton Pro Cond Light
Tekton Pro Cond Bold
Tekton Pro Ext Regular
Tekton Pro Cond Regular
Tekton Pro Cond Light Obl
Tekton Pro Bold Obl
Tekton Pro Bold
Tekton Pro Obl
Tekton Pro Light
Tekton Pro Light Obl
Tekton by Adobe is sold/licensed through myfonts.com. See the license on the My Fonts website for more information.
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