Wilma has 19 weights ready to be combined. Please read the instructions for this font carefully, in the PDF. You will find tips on how use it properly.
Wilma Volum B
Wilma Interior Forat A
Wilma Interior B
Wilma Volum C
Wilma Farcit A
Wilma Motiu B
Wilma Ombra
Wilma Interior Forat C
Wilma Interior Forat B
Wilma Interior C
Wilma Base
Wilma Farcit B
Wilma Motiu A
Wilma Motiu Forat A
Wilma Motiu Forat C
Wilma Interior A
Wilma Motiu C
Wilma Volum A
Wilma Motiu Forat B
Wilma by Type-Ø-Tones is sold/licensed through myfonts.com. See the license on the My Fonts website for more information.
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